G-Force Motorsport

G-Force Motorsport
Happy Birthday Svetlana!

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Congratulations from G-Force Motorsport team to their sportive director Svetlana Shkhova on her birthday!

Delicate, graceful and elegant in appearance, but with a very strong character and the ability to make quick, graceful, elegant and very good decisions.

Svetlana, we wish you to be healthy and happy! Thank you for being with us!



Passed the checks!

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The first official day of Baja Portalegre consisted of administrative checks and scrutineering. G-Force Motorsport team was appointed to them in the afternoon.


All the team mates were a little nervous because the new project car came to the World Cup competition for the fist time.

Baja Crimea 2013. Sunday. Finish

Баха Крым 2013 Until the final SSs Vladimir Vasyliev and Vitaly Yevtyekhov were far ahead of the rivals in the race. But the fortune changed her mind: after they crossed the ford, the reduction unit went out of order so the crew had to push the car through the finish site, in a literal sense. However, despite the penalty of half an hour, Vladimir Vasilyev and Vitaly Yevtyekhov are in the forth line in overall. You can’t but agree that’s quite good!

Ready to start


By the moment the team has arrived to Portalegre where the administrative and the technical checks will take place tomorrow. And here are some pictures that can illustrate briefly how the team was preparing for the race.


The days before the very departure were hot...

Baja Crimea 2013. Start

The international race Baja Crimea 2013 has started. It combines Ukrainian and Russian championships rounds. For G-Force Motorsport the race began quite successfully: Vladimir Vasilyev and Vitaly Yevtyekhov won the prologue (4 kiometers long), Boris Gadasin and Alexey Kuzmich came second, and Victor and Anatoly Volikovs were the third.

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